Da sammelt aber einer heut mächtig Pluspunke. Danke. Lange nicht mehr gehört.
Steht hier seit 89 als Dauerleihgabe eines leider schon verstorbenen Freunds. In Vinyl.
Crash Classics Night 2025 - Donnerstag 06.02.2025 21 Uhr
——– „People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That’s where AC/DC comes into it.“ Malcolm Young
Kinkster hat geschrieben: 01 Okt 2024, 22:43
07 Cinderella - Don't Know What You Got (Till It's Gone)
Album: Long Cold Winter (1988)
It is....
Crash Classics Night 2025 - Donnerstag 06.02.2025 21 Uhr
——– „People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That’s where AC/DC comes into it.“ Malcolm Young
Zuletzt geändert von Sunny am 01 Okt 2024, 22:45, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Crash Classics Night 2025 - Donnerstag 06.02.2025 21 Uhr
——– „People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That’s where AC/DC comes into it.“ Malcolm Young
Crash Classics Night 2025 - Donnerstag 06.02.2025 21 Uhr
——– „People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That’s where AC/DC comes into it.“ Malcolm Young