21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von Copperhead »

Pheebee hat geschrieben: 21 Jan 2025, 20:22 05. The Alan Bown! - My Girl The Month Of May (1968)
Boxset: Hidden Masters - The Jess Roden Anthology (2013)

thx for the memory ! ;)
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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von Sunny »

Sehr schöne Songauswahl bis hierher schon mal, Oliver. Gefällt mir alles. Vor allem der Opener :clap:

Servus beinander!
Crash Classics Night 2025 - Donnerstag 06.02.2025 21 Uhr
„People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That’s where AC/DC comes into it.“ Malcolm Young
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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von Pheebee »

Sunny hat geschrieben: 21 Jan 2025, 20:26 Sehr schöne Songauswahl bis hierher schon mal, Oliver. Gefällt mir alles. Vor allem der Opener :clap:

Servus beinander!
Danke schön!
Hi Sunny!
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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von wahr »

Klingt ein bisschen nach Helium, der Gesang
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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von Kinkster »

Grüße an alle neu Hinzugekommen ..
Meine nächste Sendung bei Radio StoneFM am Donnerstag 20.03.2025 um 22:00: On the Decks Vol. 35: 2025 #01
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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von Kinkster »

Oliver ein tolles Vorprogramm und ein fantastischer Lauf bisher 👍
Meine nächste Sendung bei Radio StoneFM am Donnerstag 20.03.2025 um 22:00: On the Decks Vol. 35: 2025 #01
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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von Pheebee »

There's a knock at the door. Baravelli opens the peephole.

Baravelli: Who are you?

Wagstaff: I'm fine, thanks. Who are you?

Baravelli: I'm fine too, but you can't come in unless you give the password.

Wagstaff: Well, what is the password?

Baravelli: Oh no, you gotta tell me! (pause) Hey, I tell you what I do...I give you three guesses...It's the name of a fish...

Wagstaff: Is it Mary?

Baravelli: Ha, ha! Atsa no fish!

Wagstaff: She isn't? Well, she drinks like one. Let me see...Is it sturgeon?

Baravelli: Hey, you're crazy! A sturgeon, he's a doctor cuts you open whena you sick. Now I give you one more chance.

Wagstaff: I got it! Haddock!

Baravelli: Atsa funny, I gotta haddock too.

Wagstaff: What do you take for a haddock?

Baravelli: Well now, sometimes I take aspirin, sometimes I takea calomel.

Wagstaff: Say, I'd walk a mile for a calomel.

Baravelli: You mean chocolate calomel. I like that too, but you no guess it. (Slams door. Wagstaff knocks again. Baravelli opens the peephole again.) Hey, whatsa matta? You no understand English? You can't come in here unless you say swordfish! Now, I give you one more guess.

Wagstaff: (thinking) Swordfish...swordfish...I think I got it! Is it swordfish?

Baravelli: Ha! That's it! You guess it!
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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von Pheebee »

07. Herman's Hermits - Jezebel (1967)
Compilation: The Best Of Herman's Hermits - The 50th Anniversary Anthology (2015)

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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von Pheebee »

08. The Zombies - Indication (1966)
Compilation: Zombie Heaven [Disc 1]: Begin Here & Singles (1997)

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Re: 21.01.2025: Old New Songs 165 | Live Momente | Gypsy Goes Jazz 159

Beitrag von Hedoban »

Cool. Von Herman's Hermits kannte ich bisher nur "No milk..." von daher wieder was dazugelernt.
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